The Nottingham Prize

The Nottingham Prize was originally established in 1966 from contributions given in memory of Professor Wayne B. Nottingham of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology by his many friends and associates. The prize, currently consisting of a certificate and $1000, is awarded to the best student paper presented at the conference. This prize represents a seminal honor, as many Nottingham winners have gone on to become leaders in the field of surface science.

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Competing for the Nottingham Prize

A student paper is defined as a paper based on a Ph.D. thesis whose date of submission is no earlier than one year before the meeting at which the Prize is given. In other words -- all students who have not yet completed their Ph.D. work are eligible. In addition, you are also eligible to compete if you have completed your Ph.D. work but your thesis was submitted less than one year ago. In this case, your talk must be on your Ph.D. thesis work, not on work done afterwards.

The committee requests that a paper submitted for competition have no more than two authors - the student and his/her professor. If the adviser is not a co-author, his/her name should be provided. From those who submit, we will select a set of finalists based on the extended abstract, and will inform all applicants of their status approximately May 1st.  For those who are selected as finalists, the registration fee will be waived. All Nottingham contestants must complete and submit the registration form and the housing form (if you intend to use university housing). They must also submit:

1. A regular 1-page abstract submitted as a Word Document for easy compilation. The competitor's name should be marked with an asterisk (*), and the accompanying footnote should read, "Nottingham Contestant." (Download WORD Template HERE.)

2. A Nottingham Prize competition package, submitted as a single pdf file, including:
(a) A cover letter indicating your interest in the Nottingham Prize competition. Include in the letter (expected) thesis submission and graduation dates.
(b) A brief vita.
(c) An extended abstract of approximately 1500 words. (Download WORD Template HERE.)

These items should be sent by email (as attachments) to Carol Lerner. We will continue to accept abstracts until 5:00 PM PST Friday, April 18, 2008. Although the competition will be judged largely on the oral presentation, the 1,500-word extended abstract is needed to provide additional information to the judges and to identify the finalists. Submission of a thesis or of a manuscript to be published is not acceptable. The committee will limit the number of competitors to those who can be accommodated in one day. Published material may be included in the paper providing that the thesis submission date meets the previous specifications.

Prior Nottingham Winners

1966L. F. CordesUniversity of Minnesota W. T. Peria
1967D. SteinerMassachusetts Institute of Technology E. P. Gyftopoulos
J.V. Hollweg
1968E. Ward PlummerCornell UniversityT. N. Rhodin
1969John C. Tracy Cornell University J. M. Blakely
1970J. M. BakerCornell UniversityJ. M. Blakely
1971D. P. SmithUniversity of Minnesota W. T. Peria
1972W. Henry WeinbergUniversity of California, Berkeley R. Merrill
1973J. R. BowerBartol Research FoundationJ. M. Chen
1974N. J. DionneCornell UniversityT. N. Rhodin
Torgny GustafssonChalmers University of Technology P. O. Nillson
1975L. C. IsettCornell UniversityJ. M. Blakely
1976J. A. KnappMontana State UniversityG. A. Lapeyre
1977S.-L. WengUniversity of Pennsylvania E. W. Plummer
1978Gwo-Ching WangUniversity of Wisconsin, Madison M. G. Lagally
1979Wilson HoUniversity of Pennsylvania E. W. Plummer
1980R. DiFoggioUniversity of Chicago R. Gomer
Harry J. LevinsonUniversity of Pennsylvania E. W. Plummer
1981Ruud M. Tromp FOM Institute for Atomic & Molecular Physics F. W. Saris
1982P. O. HahnUniversity of Hanover M. Henzler
1983R. RaueCologne and KFA JulichG. Guntherodt
M. Campagna
1984M. OnellionRice UniversityG. K. Walters
1985K. GibsonUniversity of Chicago S. J. Sibener
J. W. M. Frenken FOM Institute for Atomic & Molecular Physics J. F. van der Veen
1986S. M. YalisoveUniversity of Pennsylvania W. R. Graham
1987John D. BeckerleMassachusetts Institute of Technology S. T. Ceyer
1988Lee J. RichterCornell UniversityW. Ho
1989J.-K. Zuo Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute C.-C. Wang
1990Y.-W. Mo University of Wisconsin., Madison M. G. Lagally
1991Brian S. SwartzentruberUniversity of Wisconsin, Madison M. B. Webb
1992Thomas MichelyKFA, JulichG. Comsa
1993A. K. SwanBoston UniversityM. El-Batanouny
1994G. RosenfeldKFA, JulichG. Comsa
1995Marcus K. WeldonHarvard UniversityC. Friend
1996J. CarpinelliUniversity of Tennessee E. W. Plummer
B. Kohler Fritz Haber Institute M. Scheffler
1997D. GragsonUniversity of Oregon G. Richmond
1998Barry C. StipeCornell UniversityW. Ho
M. S. Hoogeman FOM Institute & Leiden Univ. J. W. M. Frenken
1999K. Pelhos Rutgers T. E. Madey
2000Lincoln LauhonCornell UniversityW. Ho
2001Gayle Thayer University of California, Davis & Sandia Livermore S. Chiang
R. Hwang
2002Denis PotapenkoRutgers UniversityB. J. Hinch
2003John PierceUniversity of Tennessee E. W. Plummer
J. Shen
2004Peter WahlMax Planck Institute for Solid-State PhysicsKlaus Kern
2005Nathan GuisingerNorthwestern UniversityMark Hersam
2006Mustafa Murat OzerUniversity of Tennessee-KnoxvilleJ. R. Thompson
H. H. Weitering
Paul C. SnijdersDelft University of TechnologyH.H. Weitering
T.M. Klapwijk
2007Peter MaksymovychUniversity of Pittsburgh J. T. Yates, Jr.